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WP Diamonds charitable giving


At WP Diamonds, we believe in the importance of creating a more sustainable future. As such, we have partnered with Ecologi to plant one tree for every item sold.

Our Commitment To A Greener Future

Sustainability is the heart of what we do. Selling your luxury goods back into the market is a great contribution to creating a more circular economy and sustainable future.

To further our commitment to the cause, we have partnered with Ecologi, an environmental conservation organization dedicated to restoring forests and combating climate change by planting trees. For every item we purchase, one tree will be planted to help combat deforestation, air quality and more.

Our Offices

New York

535 5th Avenue, 11th Floor,
New York, New York
10017, USA


Berkeley Square House
Berkeley Square, Mayfair
London, W1J 6BD, UK


212 JQ Modern
120 Vyse Street, Hockley
Birmingham, B18 6NF, UK

535 5th Avenue, 11th Floor,
New York, New York
10017, USA

Berkeley Square House
Berkeley Square, Mayfair
London, W1J 6BD, UK

212 JQ Modern
120 Vyse Street, Hockley
Birmingham, B18 6NF, UK